Monday, September 11, 2006

MDH Says they Don't Know iF Flame Metals Poses a Risk
Beacuse of lack of data

Quotes below are from the 2005 Health Consultation on Flame Metals

"Because of a
lack of data from site-specific stack or emission tests, MDH is unable to evaluate the potential
public health effects from exposure to the emissions at this time. The site currently represents an
indeterminate public health hazard."

"MDH is therefore unable to
evaluate the potential public health
effects from exposure to the emissions at this time. The site
currently represents an indeterminate public health hazard." (bold mine)

IV. Recommendations
1. To evaluate the public health risks from exposure to air emissions from the Flame Metals
facility, stack test or other emissions data are needed for EPA criteria air pollutants
including carbon monoxide, NOx, SO2, VOCs, and particulate matter. Individual stacks,
especially those from the integral quench and tempering furnaces, or groups of stacks
representing similar processes, should be monitored so that the total facility emissions
can be estimated.
2. Air dispersion modeling would be helpful to estimate concentrations of pollutants in the
adjacent residential neighborhood.
3. Ambient air samples should also be collected or air monitoring should be conducted in
the adjacent neighborhood, preferably only under conditions when emissions might
reasonably be expected to drift in that direction, i.e. when winds are from the east, and
should be of sufficient duration to account for the variability in wind direction and speed.
4. Actions that could lessen or mitigate the likelihood of emissions from the facility
reaching the adjacent neighborhood, such as raising stack heights, should also be